Loan Closet Inquiry Form
The Lab has AT equipment to loan over a 2-week period. Pick-up and drop-off are in-person at the AT Lab in Portland, Oregon during Thursday Open Hours by appointment. Free instructional support is provided at pick-up. WE DO NOT HAVE SCOOTERS, WALKERS, or WHEELCHAIRS! (Our only wheelchair is the all-terrain x3 Emma.)

Please fill this form out below to start the Loan process. We will contact you within 2-4 business days. For links to many of our items, click this link for a list.

Loan items are FREE of charge. We welcome any financial donations here to help maintain and update our loan equipment. This free Loan Closet is made possible by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation and the Sidney & Lillian Zetosch Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation.

Thank you! 
AT Lab Team

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Your Name *
AT User's Name (if different)
AT User's Age *
Phone number *
Preferred method of contact
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City, State *
I am a... *
If you responded "person with a disability" or "family member": Do you have a therapist, teacher, or another person with whom you are working to identify AT? If so, please provide name and title of person. If not, are you interested in learning about where to go for an AT assessment or consultation?
If you responded "care provider" or "professional": What is your title and organizational affiliation?
I am interested in borrowing... *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? Feel free to add more detail about the AT you are looking to try.
How did you find out about the AT Lab Loan Closet?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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