2023 Sustainability Leadership Award    Nomination Form
The 2023 Sustainability Leadership Award honors those who exhibit an overall commitment to advancing sustainability in accordance with the UVA 2030 Sustainability Plan and/or local/regional sustainability strategies. Winners of the Award will exemplify innovation and passion in work related to community engagement, environmental conservation and stewardship, academic discovery, advances in governance or policy, or collaboration across entities.  Four awards will be given in the following groups: 1) UVA student or student group; 2) UVA faculty or department; 3) UVA staff or department; and 4) a community member or organization (e.g., a teacher, high school student, UVA alumna). A spring, 2024 celebration will be held and each Award recipient/department or organization will receive commemorative plaque/gift and monetary prize of $1000. Please use the form below to submit your nomination. Self-nominations are welcome!
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Email *
Are you submitting this nomination on behalf of an individual or an organization/department? *
Nominee Name, or Organization/Department Name
Nominee Email
In 500 words or less, please explain why you are nominating this person (or yourself) or this department/organization for the 2023 Sustainability Leadership Award:
In what Award area does this project fit? (Select all that apply.) *
Please provide any links to files, photos, letters of endorsement, articles, videos, etc. in support of this nomination.
Nominator first and last name *
Nominator email *
I am/we are applying for the following category/categories:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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