Vision Zero Rapid Response for Park Drive & Brookline Ave
On Friday, February 15, 2019, Paula Sharaga—a Cambridge cyclist, Brookline librarian, and a long-time peace activist—died while biking near the intersection of Brookline Avenue, Park Drive, and Boylston Street.

Many commuters, residents, and advocates have called for improvements at this intersection over the years, but planning agencies have repeatedly prioritized speeding cars over people biking, walking, and taking transit. We are calling for the simplification of jurisdiction and speedy action now. In signing this petition, we are asking for the following at the Brookline Avenue, Park Drive, and Boylston Street intersection and surrounding streets:

1. Clarify jurisdiction and lead a rapid response. We are urging the City of Boston to work with state partners to take the lead in fixing this intersection in accordance with Vision Zero principles.

2. Implement protected bike lanes and pedestrian safety improvements. This intersection is a critical crossroads for thousands of people traveling to and from the Emerald Necklace, major institutional and business destinations, and public transportation. Current conditions endanger road-users and must be remedied.  

3. Lower speed limits and implement traffic calming measures. Speed limits within the City of Boston are 25 mph, but this does not fully apply to DCR parkways such as Park Drive and Riverway, where speeding often exceeds posted limits.

4. Pass truck safety measures, as included in An Act to Prevent Traffic Fatalities, which is a bill now before state lawmakers.

This petition is being organized by the Longwood Area Cyclists. We will be sharing your names and stories with planning officials, as well as state & local lawmakers, to urge them to act.
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