Proposal Request for Tax and Accounting services for a Trust
Please complete these short questions about your Trust so that we can tailor your proposal for your tax and accounting needs.

After you fill out this proposal request, we will contact you to go over details before the proposal is completed. If you would like faster service and direct information on current pricing, please contact us at (021) 180-4616 or

DISCLAIMER: The proposal we send you is based on the information you supply to these questions. Should this information change then it will impact your proposal estimate.

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1) What is your Trust's Name? *
2) What type of Trust is it? *
3) What is your Trust registration number? *
4) Is the Trust VAT Registered? *
5) VAT Registration number (if VAT Registered) - If you aren't VAT registered, simply type: 0 *
6) Estimated Annual Revenue (please indicate what your sales per 12-month period would be) *
7) Do you have any catch-up financial periods? (are your books behind?) - If yes, which years must be caught up to date? *
8) Do you have Employees? YES/NO? - IF YES HOW MANY? *
9) Do you have any software that you are using in your Trust? Select whichever software packages you have or other options that might apply. *
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