Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Give Blck database.
Americans give $450 billion to charity every year, but only a tiny fraction goes to Black organizations, in part because there historically has not been an easy way to identify them. Research has shown that Black-founded nonprofits are more likely to employ Black people, effectively service Black communities, and empower Black social leaders.

If you are a Black-founded nonprofit, please submit to our database using the form below. Together we can drive dollars to underfunded organizations. All submissions will be vetted to ensure legitimacy —so please provide as much information as possible. We use this information help us and the world better understand Black-founded organizations. We'll get back to you with any follow-up questions we may have.
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Your email address
Please share your email address so we can see who identified each organization
Organization Name *
Organization's Cause Area/Category *
Please select the most applicable cause area associated with the nonprofit above.
Description of organization / mission *
200 characters or less
Organization's Employee Identification Number (EIN)
Name of the Organization's Founder
Founder's Gender & Identification Pronouns
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Organization's City *
Organization's State/Territory *
Please enter the state of the organization's primary headquarters. If you do not know, please select 'Other/Unknown.'
Organization's Zip Code
Organization's Website URL Address (e.g. '') *
Instagram Handle (e.g. '@yourhandle')
Organization's Revenue from Last Full Fiscal Year
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