London Recovery Mission 5 -  A strong civil society
As London begins its recovery, engagement is taking place with Londoners to reimagine our city through London’s Recovery. The London Recovery Board is asking charities and community organisations to take part in shaping the missions that will rebuild our city by hosting a community conversation.

This questionnaire is one way that The Ubele Initiative is hearing from London based, BAME community organisations and sharing their views with the London Recovery Board. Discussion group sessions are also being organised along with telephone conversations to capture the views of those who would prefer to have a chat.


For Mission 5 ('A strong civil society') the London Recovery Board has set out the following.

“All Londoners can play an active role in their communities; making London a more equal and inclusive city post-COVID-19.”

During the pandemic, community groups, volunteers and civil society organisations (such as not-for-profits) have played a crucial role in supporting Londoners’ wellbeing, tackling inequalities and enhancing the city’s resilience. There are 120,000 voluntary sector organisations in London. Over 90,000 volunteers from London registered to volunteer via the NHS volunteering scheme and by the end of March 2020, 700 new mutual aid groups had been set up.

We’ll need to work together so that:
• All communities, particularly the most disadvantaged with the greatest health inequalities, can access support and services
• London’s civil society is strong and resilient to future shocks
• Public service partnerships proactively include the voice of all Londoners in future planning

Areas of focus might include:
• Increased opportunities for Londoners to build social connections
• Increase in funding for community-led activity
• Focus on services by and for communities facing the greatest health inequalities

For consideration
• Have you volunteered or accessed a voluntary organisation during the pandemic? What would have made it easier, if anything at all?
• What can City Hall, the boroughs, employers or other organisations and communities do to help people take an active role in their communities?

This questionnaire should take no longer than 15 mins to complete.
Deadline: Friday 4th September 2020

Thank you for helping Ubele to amplify BAME voices.

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Thinking about Mission 5 ('A strong civil society') what do you think of this Mission? *
Thinking about this Mission ('A strong civil society') and how it affects BAME community organisation is there anything critical that you think is missing (Answers are limited to 300 words). *
What does the Mission ('A strong civil society') mean to your organisation and other BAME community organisations  you know? (Answers are limited to 300 words) *
How concerned are you by the issues captured by the Mission ('A strong civil society')? *
Thinking about this Mission, what actions or interventions would have the most impact? (Please select your top 3 actions) *
What one thing would demonstrate most to you that this Mission has been successful? (Answers are limited to 300 words). *
About you
What is your email address? (optional)
How would you describe your gender? (optional)
What is your age group? (optional)
Do you consider yourself to be disabled? (optional)
Ethnic group – which best describes you? (optional)
Thank you.
The Ubele Initiative
Phone number: 07591 457113

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