Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment Methodology Feedback Form
The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) is considering a change to the payment methodology for Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC). 

At two public meetings (on April 5 and 12), HCPF staff presented an overview of the current methodology and the pros and cons of 4 options (including keeping the unchanged current methodology). At the informational meetings, staff did not accept feedback and took questions only. Both meetings presented the same information. 

As a refresher, the four options are: 

Option #1: Do nothing - keep current methodology.
Option #2: Reform current methodology, including grouper realignment, add new codes to the grouper, and multiple procedure discounting.
Option #3: Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouper (EAPG).
Option #4: Medicare payment methodology.

Recordings of the meetings are available upon request and will be posted on the HCPF website

Please use this feedback form to submit feedback to HCPF about the potential ASC methodology change. 

Feedback will be used by HCPF staff to help determine if a new option will be pursued and, if so, which option will be pursued. Some options require additional resources, which must be requested in a lengthy process that is likely to last nearly a year. HCPF staff will follow-up occasionally to share what they can as the process progresses, or you can reach out to HCPF staff at any time. To sign up for email updates, please use this form

Do not share any protected health information (PHI) via this form. Additionally, any comments that are threatening or hateful in nature will be removed. 

If you have difficulties accessing this form or have any questions about the process, please contact Patrick Potyondy at
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Name and title *
If you represent or are a member of an organization, please enter that information here including your role with the organization. You may list more than one affiliation.
I understand my comments will become a public document after submission and may be subject to an open records request.  *
Were you able to attend one of the two meetings?  *
If you could not attend one of the two meetings, were you able to watch at least one of the recordings?  *
Which of the four options is your FIRST choice? Maintaining the current payment methodology is an option. Please explain your reason for your first choice. In your feedback, consider the pros and cons that were included in the presentations.  *
If your first option is not pursued, which option is your SECOND choice? Please explain your reason for your second choice.  In your feedback, consider the pros and cons that were included in the presentations.  *
Is there an option or course of action that you are completely against? Why?  *
Optional open response: is there any other feedback you would like to share with the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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