Individual Black charitable giving in the arts.
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Do you self-identify as Black? *
Where do you currently reside? *
Have you participated in or utilized any of the following to help support Black artists or Black arts organizations within the past three years? *
If asked, how would you categorize your charitable giving? *
Please check each arts discipline you have donated to within the past three years. *
Do you purchase art (visual arts)? *
If yes, do you consider yourself an art collector? *
In addition to being a donor, please check each of the ways you have supported the arts and/or artists within the past three years. *
Please indicate the number of nonprofit arts organizations you donate to annually? *
Please indicate what might prompt you to make a donation from the list below. *
How would you prefer to make a donation to a nonprofit or artist? *
Please share how much you donate to nonprofit arts organizations annually? *
Do you review an organization's equity statement before becoming a donor? *
How important is it that the organization that you donate to has a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement? *
Not important
Very important
How important is it that the organization be Black-led? *
Not important
Very important
How important is the racial makeup of the organization you donate to? *
Not important
Very important
How likely are you to support an organization accused of discrimination (gender, gender identity, racial, etc.)? *
Very unlikely
How important is the organization's mission? *
Not important
Very important
How important is the organization's impact on the community? *
Not important
Very important
What do you expect in return for your donation? *
Please check the items/documents you review before you donate. *
What is your age? *
What is your marital status? *
What is your annual household income? *
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? *
Which one of these best describes your employment status? *
Please check one or more set of options that reflects your preferred pronouns. *
Please tell us how you heard about the Black Donors Project. *
Thank you and please join us on LinkedIn @TheBlackDonorsProject
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