Wow Words Cloze Test     24/02/21
Choose the most appropriate wow word for each sentence:
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1. The teacher waved her hand_______ at the notion of no homework for the week. *
1 point
2. The Taoiseach unveiled a _______ to mark the official opening of the hospital. *
1 point
3. The shop was in ______ when the computer system went down. *
1 point
4. When Mary  discovered her dog had run away from home, she became very_______. *
1 point
5. Jack had to______ up all his strength to run the final mile of the marathon. *
1 point
6. The two criminals had three_______ for burglary and theft between them. *
1 point
7. It is_______ to hold the door open for someone who is entering a building behind you. *
1 point
8. The student raised his hand to ________ he had finished the maths test. *
1 point
9. Covid restrictions are expected to continue for the ________ future. *
1 point
10. The task of placing the chocolate in the boxes was done_______, not by machine. *
1 point
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