Lodge Week  8th - 13th September                 Adrian's week   
Leader:  Adrian Davis
Email:   nzskiing@gmail.com
Phone:    021 145 7507
Trip Reference: Ski240908

Adrian's ski week.
Midweek skiing on the mountain.

Please fill out this form for each member of your family, group, or party and Adrian will be in touch with you.

If you are booking for a group, and transport and dates are the same for each member of the group then;
~ fill out all details for the main group contact
~ for subsequent members just complete the first part of this form

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Email *
Name *
Please fill out the first part of this form for each member of your family, group, or party
Mobile phone number *
If you are booking for a group please add a group name or group identifier here.
Please enter the same group identifier for all members of the group, you may want to write it down now so you don't forget it !. If this is not a group booking please leave this blank
Are you happy having your name (but no other details)  to be shown on the online trip list? *
TTC member *
Are you a TTC member?
Do you wish to join or rejoin the Tararua Tramping Club to stay at members rates, noting that rejoining members do not pay the $15 rejoining fee. 
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Hut fee status *
Hut fees depend on your status. Are you...
Group or individual bookings *
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