Green New Deal for Housing Petition

Everyone in DC deserves a safe home and a clean world to live in.

Right now, there is a massive housing crisis in DC. Landlords have raised rents rapidly since the end of the pandemic rent freeze, eviction filings are spiking, and thousands of our neighbors are sleeping outside. Meanwhile, developers continue to construct luxury buildings that few DC residents can actually afford. This crisis and the displacement it causes disproportionately impact Black and brown District residents.

We are also facing a climate crisis that is heavily affecting our most vulnerable neighbors. Unsheltered residents face more and more extreme weather. Flooding and rising sea levels threaten our city. The District has to act to combat climate change on every front.

The Green New Deal for DC coalition, which brings together a diverse group of organizations from tenant organizers to climate activists to unions, is advocating for the Green New Deal for Housing, which tackles both issues by setting up a system to create sustainable social housing in DC. The District needs the bold solutions to these crises this bill provides.

The bill would:

  • Create mixed-income, publicly-owned housing in transit-friendly neighborhoods
  • Ensure a high percentage of affordable housing and deeply affordable housing
  • Move DC toward more sustainable development
  • Set up structures for community decision-making

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