DSAIA Circles:  Sign Up Now
DSAIA Circles are a great way to build your professional network and meet others who share your roles and responsibilities at another Down syndrome organization. Circles meet monthly and offer a chance to share your experiences, get support from your peers, talk through challenges, and find solutions. Once your form is received, you will be assigned to a group as soon as one becomes available that matches your needs and interests. DSAIA Circles are a member benefit and there is no charge to participate. 

Please complete this form with your interest areas and contact information and we'll be in touch with next steps soon!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name
Which of the following best describes  your role? (choose one)
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Have you ever participated in a DSAIA Circle (formerly known as Leaders Circles)?
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What time zone are you in?
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Thinking about a typical week, are there any days that will NOT work for you?  Click your black out days below.
Is there a preferred time of day that works best for you?
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Anything else we should know? Questions?
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