Dream India Donor Information
As part of the new Income Tax Department (the Government of India) policy to issue a Tax Exemption Certificate (80G) for your Donation, Dream India requires your Unique Identification Number(PAN or AADHAAR) and Address. We need to submit this information to the incometax.gov.in portal before 31st May of every year. Otherwise, there is a heavy penalty and donors also would not get the tax benefit. If any queries, please WhatsApp +91 99406 75570
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Email *
Full Name *
Complete Indian Postal Address *
Phone number *
ID Details *
PAN Number *
Please provide your PAN (Permanent Account Number) - It's a Preferable ID. If you don't have PAN, then you can provide AADHAAR Number. 

If you don't have PAN and AADHAAR, then you can provide any one of the following unique identification number 
03-Tax Identification number
04-Passport number 
05-Elector's photo identity number 
06-Driving License number
07-Ration card number
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