Volunteer Application
This is the application for unpaid volunteer opportunities at Swoop's. If you are looking for a paid position and qualify for work study, please fill out our job application instead. 
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Name & Pronouns *
Are you applying as an individual or group/student organization?  *
If you are affiliated with a group, business, organization or club, please specify below:
Email *
Phone Number (if you commit as a volunteer you will be added to the GroupMe app the Swoop's Team uses to communicate):
What are you interested in doing for Swoop's?
What is your current availability? (Swoop's open hours are: Monday 12pm-5pm, Tuesday 12-5pm, Wednesday 12pm-6:30pm, Thursday 12:00-5:00pm, Friday 12:00-5:00pm)
Where did you hear about Swoop's?
What are you hoping to gain from this experience?
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