CALSX Cells to Society Seminar Survey
We are proposing a monthly, lunch-time CALSX seminar. The intent of this seminar is to foster sharing of research, education, and extension initiatives across the College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Extension (CALSX) to promote connections, transfer of knowledge, trans-disciplinary collaboration, effective leverage of research findings, identification of new research questions, and collective impact in alignment with our land grant mission.
We have outlined a framework for this seminar, but would like to ask for feedback for its improvement.
Our proposal would be that each month the seminar be focused around a theme such as pollinators, soil health, genetics, seeds, human behavior, rural communities, and agricultural policy. Two or three presenters would be invited from across the college to speak about their work that relates to the theme. These would be short talks, about 10-15 minutes each. A Q&A session would follow. We plan to hold the seminars on a web-based meeting platform to improve access and to record them for sharing on a YouTube channel.
Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous unless you opt to provide contact information for follow-up.
Sincerely, Chris Callahan and Chris Koliba