Spoodle's Community Feedback Form
Thank you for providing feedback! The responses submitted here will be used by Spoodle to learn about and adapt to the general niche of his community. 
-You are free to skip as many questions as you like.
-Please try to be as decisive as possible with a response.
-Saying "I don't know" or "Whatever you like" is not overly helpful, so just skip those questions.
-Please be honest and realistic with answers ^^
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Content / Streaming
What time of day do you watch streamers on average? 
(Include Timezone.)

Example: "Usually from 1pm to 5pm CST on weekdays, and 6pm-11pm CST on weekends."
What type of streams do you enjoy the MOST from Spoodle? 
List as many as you like,  and optionally give reasons why.

e.g., just chatting, art, gaming, collabs, interactive games,(marbles, jackbox, ect), dah bois. 
What type of streams do you enjoy the LEAST from Spoodle? 
List as many as you like, and optionally give reasons why.

Please be honest with your answer, with the idea being that you might NOT open the stream or be less active if it was the content.

e.g., just chatting, art, gaming, collabs, interactive games,(marbles, jackbox, ect), dah bois. 
Is there any particular kind of content you'd like to see from Spoodle in the future? 

e.g., certain games, certain creator collabs, video content (short or long-form), ect
How do you feel about the current frequency and schedule of Spoodle's streams?

(Approximately 2-3 streams weekly, Wed Thu Sat & Sun, at 7pm CST)
Do you prefer longer or shorter streams? Why? 

(Or, how do you feel about the usual length of Spoodle's streams? Too long? Too short?)
How do you feel about Spoodle's interaction with the chat? 

e.g., Too little and feels lackluster, Too much and feels annoying, ect
What do you think about Spoodle's stream quality?

e.g., overlay, theme, video quality, audio quality, scenes, models, ect
How often do you participate in chat? What encourages you to interact more?

How do you feel about Spoodle's channel point redeems?

What aspects of Spoodle's Twitter do you enjoy most? Are there improvements you'd suggest?
How active are you on other social media? What kind of content do you interact with there?
How do you feel about Spoodle's discord server? Would you like to see it more active? In what way?

e.g., events, channel chatting, vc hangouts, activities
Personal Preferences
What personality traits or characteristics do you appreciate in Spoodle?
What areas do you think Spoodle could improve upon, both in content and personal presentation?
Have you noticed any changes in Spoodle's content over time that you liked or disliked?
Are there communities, creators, or platforms that you would like to see Spoodle engage with more?
Do you share Spoodle's content with others? If so, what motivates you to do so?
How did you first discover Spoodle? What made you decide to follow?
Is there any final feedback you'd like to give?
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