Buy an Ad for your Business/Organization to go on our website
At Courageous Curls Media we focus on celebrating people of color who are changing the world the best way they know how! In doing that, we decided that it would be great to have an option for those who want to support our organization as well as have a space for business owners, organizations, YouTubers, you name it, to reach more people! With these affordable prices, you will be added to our "Support those who support us" section on our website! It will be visible to those who explore our website as well as linked in every article we post! The section will also be linked in our Linktree All expenses will go to upgrading Courageous Curls Media! Whether it be paying for our website or working to reach bigger audience to keep sharing the stories of people of color! You do not have to be a person of color to purchase an ad! You just have to support creating a better and safer world for people of color! We can not wait to share your passion on our website!

Once we get in contact with you with payment options, all you will have to do is send us links to all your business pages, including your website, as well as a description of what you people to know about you and your site!
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Questions or comments? We will contact you for further steps! Can't wait to work with you!
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