Application For 4-Week FREE Program
This form should be completed if you want to sign up for the  Financial Literacy First FREE 4-Week Program. If you want to consider being a sponsor, teacher, support volunteer, donate, having us come speak to your group or take a class.  Please complete only the section(s) that appeal to your interest.  Thank you for participation!

Our New Mission Statement:

As a membership based, nonprofit charity, we are dedicated to financially educating individuals, especially the disadvantaged youth, so that they can make better life decisions. Our goal is to successfully administer Financial IQ Classes, Power Hours and provide scholarships.

Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
What is your current position? *
I have a question please contact me.  See question below:
If you are completing this form on behalf of you/your company please complete the info below. Company name, company address, phone number and your role.  
Please check any and all boxes that apply on your desired level of partnership with Financial Literacy First. One of our team members will contact you soon. *
Complete this section only if you are interested in sponsoring our organization. Sponsorship means you desire to financially support, donate items for fundraisers, offer team help for events, or similar support. Check all that apply. One of our Board Members will reach out to you directly for more details.
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