Ishwar Ashram Trust (Kashmir Shaiva Institute) (Founded by His Holiness Shaivacharya Swami Lakshmanjoo Maharaj)                                          Kashmir Shaivism Tutorial- Beginners-1
Kashmir Shaivism Tutorial- Beginners-1
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Kashmir Shaivism is a *
1 point
Kashmir Shaivism states that *
1 point
How many Yamas and Niyamas (external and internal disciplines) are there in Kashmir Shaivism *
1 point
How many tattvas (basic elements) are there in Kashmir Shaivism? *
1 point
Which element falls in the group of Tanmatras *
1 point
Which is the incorrect combination with respect to elements *
1 point
Identify the correct types of Vak (speech) as per Kashmir Shaivism *
1 point
The sound of a string instrument (such as sitar) falls in the category of *
1 point
Of the three upayas, the highest upaya in Kashmir Shaivism is *
1 point
Measures like focusing on forehead, doing concentration on some object will fall under which upaya *
1 point
Identify the correct numbers of tantras in Kashmir Shaivism *
1 point
Identify the Malas(impurities) in correct order from gross to subtle *
1 point
This is my House. That is not my car. Such impressions fall in the category of which Mala *
1 point
Identify the correct sequence of chronology of these revered acharyas of kashmir shaivism *
1 point
The outermost circle or sphere is *
1 point
Clear form
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