So you want to be a mentor?
Mentoring is one of the most rewarding experiences a teacher can take part in, and JEA offers that opportunity for experienced media teachers to work with new and inexperienced media teachers in their area. If you are interested in participating as a mentor in the JEA Mentoring Program, please fill out this form and provide us with the information we need to get the process going.

Once your information is received and reviewed, you will receive an email about whether you have been selected to be trained as a mentor within a month. If you haven't received an email at the address provided within timeframe, contact

By becoming a mentor, the mentor will:
- Have effective communication skills and be able to honor confidentiality.
- Encourage and arrange visits with the mentee working with students in class or after school.
- Guide mentee through demonstrations, visits, and consultations to promote instructional excellence.
- Learn and understand district policies and procedures in mentee’s school.
- Provide ongoing support, advice and counsel to mentee.
- Understand effective assessments of student media work.
- Establish a system of ongoing communication with mentee.
- Promote reflective practice.
- Act as coach, suggesting strategies (when appropriate) relating to planning, time management, discipline, working with parents, etc.
- Act as motivator, helping build the mentee’s confidence through encouragement and inspirational success stories.
- Act as a model of effective teaching and publication advising.
- Promote awareness of diversity and inclusion issues.
- Have full command of journalism curriculum (when possible).
- Suggest procedures necessary for efficiently running a publication staff.
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