PACSW New Membership Form 2023
The UC President's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (PACSW) is invested in your success and the success of all women at UCOP. Through your active participation, you will be part of a dynamic, interesting, fun, and inclusive network of women representing all UCOP departments and at different stages along the career continuum.

As a PACSW member, you will enjoy unique opportunities to participate in professional growth and networking activities; to interact with high-level UCOP leaders; to advance women and family-friendly policies benefitting UCOP staff; and to demonstrate leadership and contributions that can be leveraged to advance your career.

Please note that PACSW has the following eligibility criterion: members are career employees who are not covered under a collective bargaining agreement. The extent of your involvement in PACSW can (and should!) be flexible. Members are asked to commit 2-3 hours per month toward PACSW activities (including monthly one-hour meetings). PACSW terms are for two years, renewable up to six years. More information about PACSW and its members can be found here:

Please complete the following information to join PACSW and share your interests by April 28, 2023.
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Untitled Title
Job Title *
Department *
UCOP Email *
Supervisor's Name *
Supervisor's UCOP Email *
Subcommittees focus on issues such as equity and advocacy, health and wellness and professional  learning. We are really interested in learning more about why you want to become a member of PACSW. Would you briefly explain? *
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