EMPTINESS DANCING workshop with Alain Allard and Sarah Pitchford
a 3 DAY  WORKSHOP in Zagreb / 25th -27th APRIL 2025

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Ime i prezime/ full name *
Broj mobitela/ cell phone number
Cijena koju plaćaš: / Price you are paying *
Imate li zdravstveno stanje za koje bismo trebali znati? / Do you have any medical issues that we need to know about?
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Trebaš li info o smještaju u Zagrebu? /
 Do you need info about accommodation in Zagreb?
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VAŽNO ! MOLIM PROČITATI / IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ   Uvjeti plaćanja i otkazivanja/ Terms of payment and Cancellation fee
U slučaju vašeg OTKAZIVANJA prijave zadržavamo uplaćeni depozit u iznosu od 90 Eura.
U slučaju NEDOLASKA na radionicu potrebno je uplatiti PUNU cijenu radionice pod kojim ste se prijavili.

In case YOU have to CANCEL your attendance, 90 EUR* DEPOSIT is not refundable.
In case of NOT ATTENDING this workshop without CANCELLATION you are obliged to pay FULL price of the workshop under which you have registered.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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