Sustain Ontario’s Edible Education Network: Survey to Inform our Future Directions
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About You and Your Program(s):
1. Name:
2. Affiliation/organization (if any):
3. What region(s) do you work in?
Map of Ontario Regions
4. What type of setting do you work in?  Check all that apply.
5. What do you currently do to help connect young people to good food? Check all that apply.
6. Are there activities that you are not currently involved in that you would like to be?  Check all that apply.
Exploring Existing Supports and Gaps:
7. What supports do you already receive from other networks / organizations relating to the theme of good food for children and youth? (other than the Ontario Edible Education Network)
8. Please share which organization(s) provide you with these supports.
9. Which of these areas could the Ontario Edible Education focus on that would fill a gap and best support your needs? (Check all that apply.)
10. Please identify which item(s) in #9 is/are a priority for you.  This will help us better understand how the Ontario Edible Education Network could better meet your needs.
11. Is your organization a paid member of Sustain Ontario?
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12. If Yes, which of the following member benefits are / would be most useful for you?
13. If you are not a paid member of Sustain Ontario, are there any benefits Sustain Ontario could provide that would make it worthwhile for you to become a member?  
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