2024 Men's Retreat
October 24th-26th

This form is packed full of important information. It will take a few minutes to fill out. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at Men@LincolnHills.cc
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This year's retreat is for adults only. Join the LHCC men @ our annual fall retreat! We'll be coming together to learn what scripture says about the Armor of God. 

We’re going into strict training together! We must allow God to sharpen each piece of His armor within us so that we can sharpen and help our brothers with theirs as well! 
October 9th is the registration deadline.
A $40 deposit is required with registration. You can pay through the LHCC app, send it in the mail, or drop it in the offering box on Sunday morning. Feel free to make weekly payments toward your balance. Balance is due on Sunday, October 20th.

Please write check out to LHCC and put "2024 Men's Retreat" in the memo.

Select all that apply, the first option must be checked*
To help buffer the fees of past 2024 men’s ministry events and to help prevent future overages, we’re encouraging everyone to donate any amount in addition to your registration fee. This is not mandatory. 

If you’re able to do this, please enter amount here. (You may include this when you make your retreat payment or separately. Just note “Men’s Ministry” when donating.)
Here's the link to pay your deposit online. 
(Opens a new window)

It's not required that you pay this immediately, but it must be paid no later than 10/9/24. The deposit covers items that much be purchased 2 weeks prior to the event.
There is an admission fee to enter State Parks. This covers your vehicle for the entire duration of the retreat. It is $7 for in state tags and $9 for out of state tags. *
Name *
Phone Number *
Preferred form of contact *
With this year’s retreat being so close to home, we’ll be starting our first session on Thursday evening at 7pm. Our last session will be after lunch on Saturday & then we'll all pitch in to pack up & clean up! 

To mirror what God did through Jesus in three days, please be sure to join us for the entire three day retreat so you don't miss out on what the Holy Spirit has planned! It starts with us!
You're able to arrive at the camp any time after 1pm on Thursday. 

If you choose to come early, please be willing to help with any setup that's needed (after you've gotten your things settled in the dorm).

We will not be providing lunch on Thursday so please plan accordingly.

The first scheduled event for this retreat is Thursday dinner, which is an APPETIZER PITCH-IN (bring one to share!) @ 5:30pm.
You have a 2 night option or 1 night option. Choose an option. *
Estimated arrival time (If you chose option 2 and want to arrive before lunch on Friday, add $10 to your payment total.) *
Do you have any food allergies? If so, please list them. If not, please leave this blank.
What is your shirt size? *
Design will be revealed at the retreat. 
Shirt upgrade options. *
Would you like to carpool? *
Bed Preference *
Registration fee balance is due on Sunday, October 20th. As a reminder, you may make payments as often as you'd like until your balance is paid in full. Be sure to note "2024 Men's Retreat" however you pay. *
What to Bring:  Sleeping bag/twin sheets & blanket, pillow, towels, washcloths, toiletries, Bible. *Appetizer to share if you're arriving Thursday.

Optional items to bring:  Games, Favorite coffee creamer, favorite soft drink, snack to share, tennis shoes for hiking.
*We will have water, flavor packets, & coffee. 

*You will receive communication reminding you of details a few weeks prior to the retreat. We're excited that you're joining us! 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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