Shelter Consulting - Pre-Assessment Questionnaire
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Do you currently have set hours that you are open to the public. 
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What are your hours of operations for animal shelter intakes, adoptions, and field services/animal control department
What if any do  you require before an adoption can be approved?
For 2024, please list your total intakes, your live release rate, and your average length of stay for dogs.
Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox link to your organizational chart
Are there any ordinances, laws, regulations or other significant information that impacts your organization positively or negatively or inhibits your ability to create change?
How many active dog fosters do you have and how many dogs have you placed into foster in 2024? 
What is the total number of dog volunteer hours annually and total number of current, active dog volunteers
Describe the areas you have available to allow your dogs to run/play off leash. (fenced in yards, indoor runs, etc.) 
Describe what enrichment activities including playgroups that you are currently providing for the dogs in your care
In which areas do you use breed labels for your mixed-breed dogs?
What, if any, formal behavuor evaluations do you use for your dogs?
Do you label the dogs in you care with mix-breed guesses?
Is there any additional information you believe will be relevant to helping us better understand your organization, including annual or monthly reports, significant partner or collaborating groups, and other information unique to your organization or locality?
In what areas are you looking for help from Animal Farm Foundation? Why did you reach out to us?
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