My Transportation
Think about the type(s) of transportation you use now. Do you plan to continue travelling in the same way when you're older?

This checklist asks you for your e-mail address, strictly so we can send you a copy of your answers  to review  at your leisure. Your email will NOT be shared with anyone.

If you do not want to enter your e-mail, you can still go through the checklist for your own satisfaction but you will not be able to save your results.

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If I am able to continue driving, I plan to take a refresher course to maintain my skills and knowledge of the rules and regulations.
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I talk to my doctor and/or pharmacist about how my health conditions, and the medications use to manage them, can impact my ability to drive safely.
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I am aware of, and have access to, alternate means of transportation if needed (e.g. walk, bus, taxi, volunteer driving programs and carpool).
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I have thought about what it costs to run and maintain my own vehicle compared to the cost of other means of transportation.
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I plan to take up or increase walking or cycling as a healthy and active form of transportation.
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I am aware of delivery and/or online shopping services I can use if I am not able to travel.
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I have thought about my future transportation needs and would be willing to relocate so I can continue to have access to the services I need.
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Do you feel prepared in this area? What would you like to work on?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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