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Interested in Volunteering with B.F. Day PTSA?
The B. F. Day PTSA is looking for YOU! Be a part of the team, we are better together!
There is
no minimum time commitment
required. The goal of this contact list is to help grow the community of engaged families and friends, and to allow you to stay connected with B. F. Day PTSA. We'll use this list to reach notify you of future volunteering opportunities.
The email and other information collected will NEVER be sent to third parties nor distributed for anything other than official PTSA communication.
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to save your progress.
Learn more
* Indicates required question
Your email
First and Last Name
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Any Specific Interests?
Room Parent
Social Community Event Building
After School Enrichment Programs
Advocacy and "Building Leadership Team"
Open to anything!
I've only got a little bit of time, but I'd love to try to help!
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