CHS  2024 September Driver Education  Class
                                       2024  DRIVER EDUCATION CLASS 2024
                                              CARRBORO HIGH SCHOOL   
                                         Sept. 25, 26; Oct. 1, 2; 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15
                                               5:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Virtual class
This class is for CARRBORO HIGH SCHOOL students only and/or Homeschool students/private students who live in the CHCCS district.   
Classes are limited to 42 students based on the student’s age and grade in high school.  
Students who are qualified can register for classes by completing this registration form.  The Driver Education classes remain virtual and attendance is mandatory
Only register for one class per student.  Multiple registrations will delay your confirmation, and could default you from any class.
Students must meet the N.C. requirements for Driver Education to qualify of Driver Education: 

*Student must be 14.5 yr. old the first day of class
*Must attend and complete the virtual class - attendance is mandatory
*Take and pass all offered test/quizzes/final exam.
*Participation in class is important also.
*Classroom Instructor may require cameras up at all times or at select times and students must comply.
*Take and pass required DMV medical/vision check when scheduled and offered during the class.  JDSC has staff who are DMV Vision certified.
*Once the requirements for the class have been met, the student will be assigned for the required six hours of behind the wheel driving sessions.  This could be 4-months after the class ends.

Best practice for successful class is usage via computer. Cell phones and tablets at times do not provide the best access to testing and following the presentations.

Once the registration is completed you will receive a return email the registration has been received.  That is the initial confirmation.  

The next confirmation will be confirming email addresses - When completing registration, please confirm the email addresses.  You will receive an email testing the registered emails.

The next edit is checking the ages.  The student must be 14.5 yrs. on the first day of class.  We use the AGE CALCULATOR -  If birthday is after  March 24, 2010, they are too young for the class.  This is enforced!

Another edit are addresses, confirming the student resides in the CHCCS school district.

Registration edits are not a simple process and takes time to complete.   If you know you do no met any of the edits, please do not register.  Please be patient with the process.  If you need to register a twin or sibling, please put the note in the next to the last question box.

Chapel Hill//Carrboro Schools offers Driver Education classes to high school students through a private contractor, Jordan Driving School of the Carolinas (JDSC).  Driver Education is considered an after-school activity and at this time is a virtual Zoom class.  The time of the classes may vary, depending on class instructor's availability.                           

                                                       MS. LILLIAN MARTINEZ

                                    CHS DRIVER EDUCATION COORDINATOR

                                                      Carrboro High School

                                                     919.918.2200  x 25027


                                           More NC Driver Education information                                               


Email *
Birth Certificate LAST NAME *
Birth Certificate FIRST NAME *
Beside the Birth Certificate name you can put the name student wants to be called   Christopher / Chris
Birth Certificate MIDDLE NAME *
No Middle Name?  NMN
DATE OF BIRTH mm/dd/yyyy *
What school do you attend? Enter the name of the school?  *
"Other" below, you can add the school if school is not listed.
Name of school if Private; Charter or Other
What class are you this year?
What year will student be 16? *
Phone numbers:  Two phone numbers. Separated by commas.  In the event of an emergency, this number will be used by First Responders *
ONLY LABEL AS SHOWN IN  Example:  919.555.2345/M   919.555.8765/S
Email:  Student and parent/guardian, separated by commas.  Please double check the emails.  This is where the most errors occur *
Please double check emails and URL.  Many bounce.  Please double check.  Students have missed classes because of incorrect emails.  Example:,,
Address as you want on the NC Permit *
No P.O Box. -   Street Number, Street, City, Zip Code
Is there anything you would like us to know? Adding a twin/sibling?  Anything which will help the  driving instructor in planning.  Any medical diagnosis helpful to the staff.  We do not have access to any school documents. *
Student  is shy; frightened; cannot drive on Thursdays; works; Uses inhaler
Give twin/siblings full name; any information which is different
I understand the 6-hours of driving may not start for 3 or 4 months - unless the student is close to turning 17, 18 or a Senior.  We appreciate you understanding.  If you wish to use an outside private driving school contact Barbara Garmon for the process - *
We are in the process of hiring new instructors and hopefully this will help the process.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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