2025 IFIP Global Conference Call for Sessions     
International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) is excited to host our in-person Global Conference themed “Global Impact, Local Solutions: Funding Indigenous Self-Determination and Leadership from 18-21 February 2025 at Enashipai Resort & Spa in Naivasha, Kenya.  
With a focus on promoting Indigenous self-determination, the conference will provide a platform for dialogue, knowledge-sharing, and partnership-building among Indigenous communities, funders, and stakeholders. This will include reflecting on donor practices and strategies that need to change to better align with Indigenous values and the 5Rs of Indigenous Philanthropy - Respect, Reciprocity, Responsibility, and Relationship and Redistribution.
For more information about the Conference please go here.
Deadline for submission of Session Proposals: Monday, 30 September 2024, 11:59 EST  
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Email *
Submitted by:  


Is your organization an IFIP member? *
Contact Email:
1. Proposed Session Title:  *
2. Session Objectives:   *
3. What are the key expected outcomes of your session?

4. Proposed Track: (check only one, for more information about the tracks please go here.


5. Session Description: 

Please write a concise, informative, action-oriented description that provides important facts and generates excitement about your session, keeping your session objectives and in mind. Max. 100 words.  


6.  Session Discussion Leaders:
The maximum (including moderator/facilitator) is 4 speakers per session. IFIP encourages Indigenous Participation including Indigenous Women, Youth, LGTBQ, and Indigenous Persons with Disability in panel discussions. 

Provide name, organization and email of each Moderator/panelists (Max 4 including Moderator/Facilitator)

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