Music By Ian Green Student Registration Form (Online Lessons)
Please complete this form to confirm registration with Music By Ian Green
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Student Name *
Student Birthdate *
Student Email *
Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Cell Phone *
Studio Calendar
Lessons will take place from the first week of school (week of September 3, 2019) through to the second week of June (ending June 13, 2020)

Exceptions to this schedule include:
o Christmas Break (2 weeks)
o March Break (1 week)
o Statutory Holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Monday, Family Day, Victoria Day, Good Friday
o Weeks in which Ian Green is traveling for Royal Conservatory of Music examinations or music festival adjudicating activities
Lesson Tuition and Payment
Lessons for the month will be agreed upon by the teacher and student via email prior to the start of the month.
Upon agreement of the number of lessons for a particular month, the teacher will send an invoice as a PDF attachment via email outlining the lessons to be taught.
If the lessons are to be cancelled by the student after the invoice is created and payment is received, NO MAKE-UP LESSONS will be scheduled.
If the teacher is not able to teach the lessons (emergency or illness), the teacher will work with the student to find a mutually beneficial time to make up the lesson within 30 days of the lesson date.
Acceptable methods of payment include cash, email money transfers  or personal cheques.

Discontinuation of Lessons
30-days written notice is required for any student to terminate the music lesson agreement.
Lessons must be paid up to and including the final lesson taught within the 30 day withdrawal period.

Do you agree to the policies of Music By Ian Green? *
Practice and Technology
Please confirm that you will commit to making regular practicing a regular part of your schedule. I will offer various ways to create engaging ways to enjoy the time spend within daily practice routines. *
Please confirm that you have a device (computer, laptop, tablet) ready for online lessons. This includes having the device charged or plugged in. Please ensure a reliable internet connection is available. *
When are you available for lessons? Please share the dates and times in which you are free. *
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