EWS Adult Audition Form
Please fill in your information on this form to be contacted when EWS holds open auditions for the adult group.  Please follow EWS on Facebook and watch the web site for specific audition dates to be posted.

PLEASE NOTE: The EWS is an ALL VOLUNTEER ensemble.  No members are paid for their participation.  A schedule for the season (Nov. through June) is shared each summer and commitments are requested.  Rehearsal/performance location is in the central NJ area, and rehearsals for the season are held on Saturday mornings, typically from 9am to 12 noon.

Each musician will audition for our Artistic Director, Director of Personnel, and possibly additionally EWS musician members.  Each audition will take approximately 10 minutes.  Please prepare a selection of lyrical and technical selections for the audition.  Those who audition will be considered for open seats in their instrument section if available.  If a full time member position is not open, successful auditions may be placed on our substitute list.  EWS uses the sub list to fill sections when a full time member is not available for a preformance.
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Name (first and last) *
Instrument (if you would like to audition on more than one instrument, click multiple check boxes below *
email *
address *
phone *
How did you hear about the EWS? *
Do you currently play with any other performing groups? *
If yes, which group(s)?
Are you a teacher? *
If yes, what school, subject, and age range do you teach?
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