East Chatham Grange Winter Quilting 2025
Join the East Chatham Grange this winter for a 4 session quilting session. Each session participants will learn a new quilt block. On the last week, we will put all three together to form a table runner. If participants want, they may make more blocks at home and make theirs into a lap quilt instead of a table runner during the last session.

Jan 26th
Feb 16th
Mar 9th
Mar 30th
1-4 pm

East Chatham Fire Company
14 Frisbee Street
East Chatham, NY 12060

Please bring at least two different pieces of fabric (2 fat quarters is fine or 4- 2 1/2" strips). Please also bring a working sewing machine, thread, scissors.
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Name *
Email *
Will you bring:
- a jelly roll or your own fabric
- scissors
- thread
- a working sewing machine.
Optional Supplies: cutting mat, rotary cutter, ruler, thread ripper, iron and ironing board.

If you do not have these items, it is ok. If you do, please bring them with you. 
I understand that quilting uses sharp tools such as scissors and a rotary cutter and it is possible that I could cut myself. I understand that irons are hot and burns can occur. The East Chatham Grange is not responsible for me. I am responsible for myself and keeping myself safe. *
Age requirements - All are welcome.

If you are under 14, you must have a parent present during the workshop.
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