Nomad + Spice Secret Santa 2020 (Sign up deadline: Dec 5)
We won't be sad to leave 2020 behind, so let's finish this insane year with some fun! For once, many of us know exactly where we're going to be this winter so we thought it would be fun to host a Secret Santa for our community!

What is Secret Santa? You will send a gift to another Nomad + Spice listener, and you'll receive one from someone else!

Fill out this form to join in! ❄️

• Physical gifts are absolutely preferred! No digital gift cards if we can help it 🙂
• Don't spend more than US$35 💰
• We HIGHLY encourage you to shop from small independent shops 🎁
• No need to spend on expensive postage! Find a local retailer in your giftee's country that you can order from online. Tip: Try a quick Google Maps search in their town, or use the location filter on Etsy! 📦
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name, email, and physical address if you have one? *
What's one book that changed your life?
What's your favorite feminist work? (book, movie, song, anything!)
What's been your favorite adventure?
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