Survey - Course: Practical Web3 and DeFi for Entrepreneurs
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us tailor a course that meets the needs of entrepreneurs like yourself!
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How familiar are you with web3 and DeFi ?
How often do you read web3 or DeFi news?
How interested are you in building a web3 or decentralized finance (DeFi) startup?
Not interested at all
Very interested
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How interested are you in learning about web3 and decentralized finance (DeFi) for entrepreneurial purposes?
Not interested at all
Very interested
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Would you be willing to pay for such a course? if Yes, how much?
Any other recommendations? 
Do you have any courses or resources you would recommend us to look at to build the course? Any learnings from courses you took or built in the past?  Please share! 
Leave your email if you don't mind us sending you an email in case we have more questions.
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