Pre-Class Quiz: Computer Basics
What do you know, what don't you know!
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1.)  When I sit in front of a computer, I ... *
2.)  When I look at my computer programs, I am looking at the: *
3.)  When I press keys with numbers and letters I am using the: *
4.)  The acronym, CPU, stands for... *
5.) When I see "" I am looking at: *
6.) My e-mail tells people:                                (Select as many as you want.) *
Untitled Title
7.) I have used Microsoft Office &/or Google Platform *
8.) My favorite MSFT or Google application is: *
Examples: Word/Doc; EXCEL/Spread Sheet; PowerPoint/Presentation; e-mail (Outlook)/g-mail; Calendar; Google Hangout; or, NONE YET (If never used either.)
9.) The social media accounts I have are: *
10.) Please write 2 things you wish to learn or improve upon in this class.
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