Crystal Clear ESL Student Payment Placement Form
Fill in this form to register and direct each new client payment into your account.
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Email *
Today's date:
Teacher Name (full) *
If you are already registered for curricula at Crystal Clear ESL, please detail which bundles here: *
Wise Bank has recently changed USD banking details for all their clients. Old numbers will result in declined transactions. Please verify you have checked your Wise account numbers and are including the latest details below:
ACH routing number for Teacher's bank *
Account number for Teacher's bank *
Account type *
Teacher Address: country, city, number and street, zipcode *
Student name (full, any language) *
Student email address (associated with payment) *
Value of client payment in RMB, # of classes and pricing option *
Tick to verify you have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to the Limited Liability Waiver *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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