Questionnaire concerning motherhood options within Turner Syndrome women.
Dear Ladies!
We are a team working in the Departament of Paediatrics and Paediatric Endocrinology in Katowice, Poland. We provide the wide-range care for patients with Turner Syndrome from the moment of diagnosis till the transition into adult healthcare. We have been working on the possibility of ovarian tissue preservation within our adolescent patients with intention of using it for fertilization in adult life.

The purpose of this short questionnaire is to establish the real need for such research. We would like to know your honest opinion on pregnancy and motherhood.

This questionnaire is dedicated to women with Turner Syndrome over the age of 18 years old. It should only take 5 minutes. Your participation is voluntary and you are under no obligation to take part in this survey. By anonymously completing this questionnaire and submitting the information, you agree for it to be used for the purposes described.
If you have any questions about the survey, please email us:
We really appreciate your input!

1. In what country do you live?
2. How old are you?
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3. At what age the diagnosis of TS was done?
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4. Did you menstruate spontaneously (before estrogen therapy)?
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5. Have you ever had motherhood options discussed with a physician?
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6. What’s your opinion on having children?
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7. What motherhood option would you take into the consideration? (multiple choice)?
8. If you had your ovarian tissues preserved in your adolescence, would you like to use it for the pregnancy in the adult age?
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9. Are you aware of the risk associated with pregnancy in women with Turner Syndrome?
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10. Do you have contraindications to pregnancy?
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13. Do you suffer from an arterial hypertension?
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11. Do you receive cardiologist’s care?
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12. Do you have a heart defect diagnosed?
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