Photography Workshops Wait List with Pierre T. Lambert
🇬🇧 Please fill in your details to stay notified about the upcoming workshop and to get on the waitlists.
🇫🇷 Merci de remplir les champs ci-dessous pour recevoir des infos sur les prochains workshops.
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Email *
What is your first name? *
Which 1-day workshop are you interested in? *
Would you be interested in a longer workshop too? (5 to 9 days) *
If yes, which destinations would you like to join?
What languages do you speak? *
Check the languages that you could follow a workshop in. Check both if both.
Are you ok with walking 4 hours without stopping? *
Just for my curiosity: Would you be interested in combining photography with activities like breathwork, meditation or Yoga? *
Those practices are important in my life and help reconnect with myself and open my creative space. So I am wondering if anyone else would be up for trying to combine photography with practices that tap more into wellness. Just an idea :) 
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