School Year 2024-2025
Quarter 3
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What school do you attend? *
What grade are you currently in? *
This survey is all about YOU
After-School All-Stars - Hawaii is interested in knowing how you feel about your after-school program. Please answer each question below so we can continue to ensure your experience at ASAS Hawaii is a fun and enjoyable one.
Please answer the following questions
Yes 🙂
Sometimes 😐
No 🙁
1. I like attending my after-school program/class.
2. I like the activities offered after-school.
3. I have friends in my after-school program/class.
4. My after-school program helps me do better in school.
5. The All-Stars staff knows me well.
6. I have a positive role model at All-Stars.
7. I feel safe at All-Stars (physically and emotionally).
8. I get a lot done during homework hour.
9. I learned something on a field trip or from a guest speaker that helps me do my best in school.
10. I learned how to help others or help my school through service projects.
11. I would recommend All-Stars to my friends.
12. When you think about your after-school program, what is one word that comes to mind? *
Please answer the following question
Yes 🙂
Sometimes 😐
No 🙁
N/A (I am NOT Hawaiian)
13. ASAS helps me connect with my Hawaiian identity and kuleana
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