Solutions Journalism Network 2023 LEDE Fellowship - Is It SOJO Quiz?  
Since LEDE projects spread solutions journalism to communities around the world, we think it's very important you are an expert on what solutions journalism is -- and isn't.

If you have already produced a solutions journalism story a solutions journalism story,  and it is vetted in our Solutions Story Tracker,  please paste the link below. You do not have to complete the "Is it SOJO" quiz.

If you have not yet produced a solutions journalism story, please complete the below quiz. We would love if you could read the following five stories and (1) indicate whether they are or are not solutions journalism and (2) explain your reasoning.

Below are some resources that may help you:

*Refresh your memory on what solutions journalism is by checking out the SJ Learning Lab, here:

*Join the next Solutions Journalism 101 Webinar, here:

* Learn about common solutions journalism imposters, here:

*Master the four core ingredients of solutions journalism, here:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Have you produced a solutions journalism story, as vetted in our Solutions Story Tracker? (If so, please paste the link below. You do not have to complete the "Is it SOJO" quiz.) *
1a) Please read the following story, and assess whether or not it is solutions journalism:
1b) Why or why not is the Fast Company story (above) solutions journalism?
2a) Please read the following story, and assess whether or not it is solutions journalism:
2b) Why or why not is the Huffington Post story (above) solutions journalism?
3a) Please read the following story, and assess whether or not it is solutions journalism:
3b) Why or why not is the The Guardian story (above) solutions journalism?
4b) Why or why not is the Apolitical story (above) solutions journalism?
5a) Please read the following story, and assess whether or not it is solutions journalism:
5b) Why or why not is the Apolitical story (above) solutions journalism?
Any additional comments?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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