This is only an INTEREST form for 2025/2026 
for our 4th Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem Author Event. 
Invites will be sent to previous attendees, then we will work off this list. 
Date and venue will be determined in the future. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Author/Blogger/Vendor? *
Any social media links? We'd love to check out your books and merchandise! *
This is a genre-based event, which do you write? *
Have you attended MMM in the past? *
Would you like the option to upgrade to 2 tables/premium spot for an additional fee if you will have 75+ preorders?  *
Are you interested in attending if MMM is outside Texas and in a different state (it was set up to be in a different state each event) *
I understand this doesn't guarantee me a spot but puts me on the interest list. 
(If we have an open table an email invitation will be sent, and you will be billed a deposit to hold your place.)
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