PPGI Lecture - Nadia Der-Ohannesian
Olá, no dia 11 de Novembro de 2019 (segunda-feira) acontecerá o PPGI Lecture ministrado pela Professora Drª Nadia Der-Ohannesian da Universidade Nacional de Cordoba.

Título: Technologies of Gender and Variations on the Culture/Nature Pair in Re-Writings of Little Red Riding Hood
Data: 11 de Novembro de 2019
Local: Sala 307, 3º andar, Bloco B, CCE
Horário: 14h00


Technologies of Gender and Variations on the Culture/Nature Pair in Re-Writings of
Little Red Riding Hood
Nadia Der-Ohannesian
This presentation will deal with versions of the folk tale "Little Red Riding Hood" and contemporary rewritings of the tale, "The Werewolf" and "In the Company of Wolves" by Angela Carter, "Si esto es la vida, yo soy Caperucita Roja" by Luisa Valenzuela and "Riding the Red" by Nalo Hopkinson. We will focus on forms of production of a gendered subject who suffers the consequences of deviating from the norm in the traditional versions, to contemporary rewritings that criticize or subvert the norm and hence seek  to produce different subjectivities.  

The motif of the journey through the forest encapsulates the subjective and physical displacements of the characters which is in agreement with the aim of this presentation: to go through the density of the representations of women throughout time and unveil the discourses that are naturalized and thus go unnoticed in the traditional versions, as well as in the contemporary ones.

The versions that we will analyze have been selected because of interest in problematizing the female as an aspect to be disciplined. The corpus for this presentation is made up of stories published between 1979 and 2000 which offer versions of "Little Red Riding Hood" that challenge the conventions presented in the traditional versions -- the modest and virginal girl must be cautious of the men that will take advantage of her; men cannot refrain themselves from their sexual appetite and are therefore not to blame. The natural space, realized as the forest,  is recreated in ways different from the setting in the traditional folk tale, which allows for different socialities for female and male subjects.

I intend to explore these variations based on two categories, the technology of gender and the complication of the pair Culture/ Nature. The first one will allow us to explore the deviations from the traditional versions as technologies of gender and the technologies that may be put forward in the new texts. The second one is related to the representations of nature and how these relate to culture. The intersection of these categories will shed light on the working of the founding binary pairs of western civilization male-female, culture-nature, in which the first element in the pair is valued as normative, whereas the second one is perceived as lack or deviation

Pedimos que leiam os textos disponibilizados pela Palestrante nesse link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Oz1fGheoKVifhWYXaH_Adb1cwIbKMWpn
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