Registration,   Pine Dunes Forest Preserve, Antioch
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Saturday October 26

7:30 am

Pine Dunes Forest Preserve, Antioch 

The rolling topography of this preserve is filled with multiple wetlands, making it a magnet for migrating waterfowl and reclusive marsh residents like Wilson’s Snipe. The large open space can also offer great views of migrating raptors, and special late October sightings over the last few years have included Purple Finch, American Pipit, Snow Bunting and Northern Saw-whet Owl. 

Directions: From US-41 N, exit west on IL-173, drive 1.5 miles to Hunt Club Rd., turn north. Preserve is on the east side. We will meet in the main lot.

 Leader: Nancy Tikalsky 773-655-0269

Nancy Tikalsky 
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