Illuvium Influencer Application
Due to extremely high interest in partnering with Illuvium, we appreciate you being patient with our response.  Please thoughtfully fill out every field in this application to increase your likelihood of being selected for our "Illuvium Ambassador Program", "Illuvium Partner Program", and/or our Illuvium "Refer & Earn Program". We select influencers based on many factors including language, content quality, and audience reach/targeting.  We will contact you via email from official email addresses if you are selected.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your full name? (First & Last) *
What is your gamer/influencer name? (if different than above)
Which of these best describes you? *
What is your primary language? *
What is your primary content topic? *
What is the value your content provides audiences? (less than one paragraph) *
What do you want to contribute to Illuvium in terms of content/promotion? *
What do you want Illuvium to provide to YOU in exchange for your content/promotion? *
How many followers do you have that are relevant to Illuvium?
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How many views do you get on AVERAGE per video/stream/post?
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Please link your relevant online destinations below (social media accounts / website) *
What is the best business email to reach you at? *
Discord ID or Telegram ID:
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