Chrysler 100 Celebration Invitation - Chrysler Product Club Participation
Congratulations!  Your Chrysler Product Club is invited to participate in commemorating and celebrating the 100th anniversary of Chrysler Corporation!  Chrysler Corporation was formed in 1925, and 100 years later we are going to honor a full Century of Progress.  Truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

The Centennial Celebration will be held in conjunction with the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals, the largest annual gathering of Chrysler products in the world, July 11-13, 2025.  This Chrysler 100 celebration is hosted by the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals, Frank Rhodes (great-grandson of Walter P. Chrysler), and the Walter P. Chrysler Club, Inc.

Please note:  We are ACTIVELY seeking the participation of Chrysler product CLUBS of all types - The Plymouth Owners Club, The National DeSoto Club, Dodge Brothers Club, Maxwell Club, Chrysler Airflow Club, Chrysler 300 Club, and all related Chrysler and associated groups, such as Rootes, Simca, Military Dodge Clubs, Jensen, Mitsubishi, and more.  Our desire is to have a wide variety of Chrysler product clubs participate, and we ask that each of these clubs put together a special display of their vehicles, including historic information about their particular make and/or model.  Space is limited for the Chrysler 100 clubs event section and participating clubs will be limited to about 15 automobiles in each club's display, so don't delay, submit your club's information today.

As this is going to be a very club centric event, we very much want to communicate with any club that are interested in being part of the Chrysler 100 event.  Clubs, please indicate, when prompted in the form below, that you are interested in participating as a club.  You will be contacted after submitting your club information.

We have a special interest in inviting pre-1960's vehicles, as well as those dating back to the founding and even pre-Chrysler Corporation related vehicles.  Our goal is to commemorate the entire 100 Years of Chrysler. The reason for our particular interest in earlier automobiles is due to the fact that we rarely see them at Carlisle. However, in order to honor ALL 100 years of Chrysler during this centennial celebration, we are eager to attract participation from these early vehicles. Please understand, while there will be a great display of vehicles from the 1960's and onwards at the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals, as is typical, we are NOT at all looking to exclude anyone by seeking the participation of the earlier vehicles, but rather we desire to broaden the event's scope, especially for this Chrysler 100 celebration.

Event Dates:

July 11 - 13, 2025

Event Hours:
Thursday Set-Up Day
Friday - Saturday 7 AM - 6 PM
Sunday - 7 AM - 12 PM

Event Location:
1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA 17013
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This Pre-Registration is for the Chrysler 100 event only!
  • This is NOT registration for the 2025 Carlisle Chrysler Nationals event.
  • Individual participants will still have to register with the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals to participate in the Chrysler 100 event and select the Chrysler 100 commemorative package ($20) within the 2025 Carlisle Chrysler Nationals.  Registration is open now!
  • This Chrysler 100 information submission will enable us to contact your club about the special displays.
  • Vehicles displayed in the Chrysler 100 event section are awarded by participants, clubs, and celebrity choice via the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals.
Car Club and Display Vehicle Information
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