SF Emergency Response Network Sign-Up
The eviction moratoria are over. We, the West Side Tenants Association, working closely with other tenant organizations locally and across the country, are organizing to support and defend each other against eviction. WSTA will mobilize participants of the Emergency Response Network to the eviction site, where we will prevent landlords and police from violently removing tenants from their homes. Neighbors will be trained on how to take action safely as we defend our home amidst the pandemic.

There are many possible levels of involvement, such as spreading the word and mobilizing tenants/neighbors in your community, presence at the eviction site, logistical support, mutual aid fundraisers, and more. High participation is critical for our success—please join us and bring 1-2 friends/neighbors in the fight to protect our homes.

Please sign up below and spread the word using our social media toolkit. If you have questions, please contact us at WestSideTenantsAssociation@gmail.com.

Learn more about us here: sfern.org

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Email Address *
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Are you a tenant/renter? (you can still sign up either way)
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What are you willing to do? *
Checking a box below does not commit you to the role
Can we venmo request you once a month to help keep community in their homes? 
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What is your venmo or zelle handle? 
Can you verbally communicate in any other languages? If so, which ones and how well? Can we call you in an emergency for translation? 
Are you interested in organizing with the ERN?
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Questions / comments
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