"Fresh Starts" | Trans Femme Group
A Femme-centered group for folks new to transitioning and deep in their journey. An opportunity to ask questions, get resources, find mentorship, and to kiki with other trans femmes in the Bay Area. The evening opens with opportunities for resource-sharing and Q&A with established trans leaders in the community. Followed by a fun and engaging activity to get us all connected and vibing. 

Please take a moment to share some info about yourself and answer a few questions we have for you?
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Name *
Pronouns *
Age *
This space is for trans women and femmes only, do you identify as such? *
Email *
Phone number
Have you attended a program at the SF LGBT Center before? *
What are you most looking forward to when attending "Fresh Starts"?
Do you have any questions or concerns you'd like to share with the facilitators?
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