SCEC SOURCES Mentor Survey
Thank you for your interest in remotely-mentoring a student! Research mentors play a crucial role in the success of students pursuing STEM degrees. Mentors provide opportunities and training to students who may otherwise not engage in geoscience research.

Please complete this survey to provide information about your research project and needs. Note that completing this survey does not obligate researchers to participate in the program or accept a student. If your project is selected, we will contact you to confirm participation and to be matched with an intern. SCEC will support students and mentors with coordination and resources as needed.

Again, thank you for supporting the next generation of geoscientists!

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Mentor Name *
Home Institution/Organization *
Email address *
Proposed START date *
Dates should be limited to summer 2021. SCEC will reach out to mentors to discuss Fall term extensions at a later time.
Proposed END date *
Dates should be limited to summer 2021. SCEC will reach out to mentors to discuss Fall term extensions at a later time.
Project Name *
Project Summary *
The project description will help us match you with a student. Please be as detailed as possible.
Let us know of any required or preferred skills: *
Are there others in your research group (graduate students, post-docs, etc.) who may also be interested in mentoring? If so, please include their name and email *
Paired mentoring is an option where two researchers can mentor one student. For example, when researchers are already collaborating in a project, paired mentoring can help with workload and time demands. Are you interested in paired mentoring? If so, who do you suggest as the other mentor? *
When appropriate, students with similar interests can work on the same project, but different components. Are you interested in the possibility of mentoring more than one student? If so, how many students would be ideal for your project? *
We are dealing with unprecedented changes and have to deal with a lot, is there anything we can do to help you mentor? *
Anything else we should consider?
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