Identify Risk from Coverage Gaps           
Most residential & commercial property owners have unfair 
provisions in their insurance policy and will not find out 
until they have a claim and it's too late. 

Take a minute to answer this short questionnaire.

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In which State do you reside? *
When buying your policy, did your agent visit the property to help ensure you are covered properly?
What is the reason you have the insurance policy you have today?
When was the last time you called your insurance company about damage, whether it was denied, paid or under the deductible?
Part of what we do is educate people on gaps in their policy before they have a claim and it is too late.  If you have coverage gaps, would you be open to having a discussion so we can give you professional advice for you to discuss with your agent? 
                    We don't sell insurance or anything else.
If you are owed money by your insurance company, would you want to know? 
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