Redeemer Prayer Bead Workshop Registration

The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer at 502 W Sumter St, Shelby, NC, is hosting our Sacred Craft ministry's 3rd annual Anglican Prayer Bead Workshop on Saturday, February 3, 9 am - 12 pm. Join us for a morning of crafting, food, and fellowship as we learn how to make Anglican Prayer Beads in preparation for the Lenten season. Lunch will be provided.

Registration is required for this event. Cost is $5 per person (includes bead supplies and lunch). Payment can be made online (credit/debit or EFT) or by mailing a check to the church (make checks out to Episcopal Church of the Redeemer and write "Sacred Craft" in the memo). Please be sure to register by Sunday, January 28.

Please contact Kristine at with any questions or concerns.

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